The Great ARC Bake Off - Turkey Day Edition
We don’t have a tent in the English countryside. We do have home kitchens, and ARC’s amateur bakers presented their Thanksgiving-themed signature bakes for tasting. A savory turkey-mushroom hash with cranberry sauce, muffin-sized apple cheesecakes, a rum-soaked Bundt and a white-carrot cake were some of the featured contestants. In true holiday fashion, the food was plentiful and the portions large. Some were relieved to hear that the deadline for judging was not until 1 pm – plenty of time to come back for seconds and thirds!
The lucky winner receives a grocery gift card...just in time to elbow their way through the market crowds and prepare for the big day itself
*Drumroll* please
Congratulations to our star baker, Jan Taylor. It was a close call between everyone's scrumptious baked goods but her carrot cake was impeccable.